Rules and Requests

  1. Please turn off or silence cell phones
  2. All Players must be at least 18 years of age with a valid ID
  3. Seats are for Bingo players only
  4. All Players must have their receipt in plain view
  5. Splitting of packs is not allowed
  6. Winners must have last number called
  7. Winners must yell loud enough so that the Bingo caller can hear them
  8. Once the next number is called your Bingo will not be valid so please yell loudly
  9. All winning Bingos must be verified
  10. Two or more winners split prize money
  11. All winners must sign and print their names legibly to collect winnings
  12. No Refunds after first game number is called
  13. Games are subject to change without notice
  14. Fairgrounds Bingo reserves the right to ask anyone to leave for rule violation
  15. The decision of the Floor Manager is final in all disputes